Saturday, March 20, 2010

First day of Spring?

Today is the first day of Spring here in Albuquerque and we are ready for it. Too bad the weather isn't.

March 20th Snow?

Yep that's snow. About a inch and a half on the ground and it's coming down hard. The high today is 45°F. A far cry from the small taste of Spring we had earlier this week of 65-70°F. It's okay though. We've got some friends coming over for dinner later tonight and Titus and I are going to have a lazy morning. Titus is enjoying his milk, resting (pretty well half asleep) on the couch.

Sleepy Morning

That didn't last long though, he's up and at it now. Pointing outside and babling away. I have no idea what he's saying, but he's very excited about the snow. We'll have to go play in it a while before it melts this morning.

Be warned visitors with mild weather dreams of Albuquerque ye warned.

1 comment:

Sharon Storm said...


Sorry, but it is nearing 70 here and the sun is shining and the fish are biting.

Ha Ha, Maybe, That could be a new Jimmy Buffet song.