Sunday, March 9, 2008

February's Ultrasound

Here are the promised ultrasound pictures. These were taken back on February 15th, when the baby was about 8 weeks along. In the bottom photo, you can see the baby measured about 2 cm in length, and the top photo shows the baby's heartbeat at 173 beats per minute. Both values are nominal for 8 weeks. We'll be heading in for another ultrasound around week 16-17, where we *might* learn the sex of the baby. I think we've decided that if the doctors know what the baby is, we'd like to know; but if not, we'll be happy to be surprised. We know that we want to have more than one child anyway, so it's not like I'll be painting the nursery blue or pink based on that ultrasound.

Tiffany is entering into week 11 now, so the 1st Trimester is almost complete. I know it will be a relief to both of us for her to start feeling better, have more energy, and finally get some physical evidence (the "baby bump") that the baby is on the way.

1 comment:

Erin said...

You know...They say a fast heartbeat indicates a girl! Can't wait to find out! We miss you guys - take care and keep us posted!