Wednesday, September 5, 2012


I am starting a preschool type structured play time with Titus and Elsa. Mostly Titus, but Elsa is so interested in what Titus does I have to include her somehow.

Today Titus is using kid scissors for the first time! I knew all that scrap paper would come in handy someday. Right? He loves "doing school." Even though he wants to ride bus to get there.

Elsa joins in the fun today by coloring. She does such an amazing job at holding her crayon correctly and drawing shapes and straight lines.

I am in awe at how different these two are. I really look forward to seeing them develop further and to see how Oscar resembles and differs from them too. (it's his nap time)

1 comment:

Sharon Storm said...

So cool. I am amazed at the three children and just as amazed with the parents. And yes,I know what you mean about the difference in children, from the same parents and living under the same roof, go fiqure. Titus is so intent on making sure he gets the paper in the bottle. Elsa seems quite relaxed with her coloring. Both will be successful,
both a positive footprint on society, and yes Oscar will glean from them both. I'm a very proud Nana.