Thursday, May 7, 2009


Mobility is the new thing to look for now! He does not crawl yet, but he sure can get around. He is rolling, and flopping, and pushing around. Now, its my job to just watch him and make sure he doesn't bonk his head on anything. :) He is enjoying trying to climb all over us when we sit down with him. He is becoming so much fun!
His teeth have cut their way out, and the pain has subsided. Thankfully we had a great night last night! I hope the rest of his teeth don't give us this much trouble. But, if they do we know how to handle them.
That's all for now.

1 comment:

Sharon Storm said...

Titus you will probably be mobile before Nana is. I'm still wearing the boot. Glad the teeth have erupted and I take it that Titus is being a gentleman with his choppers. Looks like work is coming along great. We have filled a small storage unit with things that will help you fill up that big house. Can't wait to see everyone.